Looking for a speaker for your organization, group, or conference?

Being able to meet and interact with different businesses, organizations, and students is one of my favorite parts of what I do on an everyday basis. Each event is different and I always enjoy interacting with the unique personality of each group and audience. Some of my common speaking topics include:
  • Branding & Integrated Marketing
  • Differential Business Strategies
  • Employer Branding & Talent Acquisition Marketing
  • Effective Website Strategies
  • Branding for Non-Profits
  • Marketing Process Improvements
  • Target Audiences & Customer Segmentation

Previous Speaking Engagements

Tackling the Talent Shortage Head On: a Hands-On Approach to Marketing Your Workplace for Top Performers
Centre County Geriatric Interest Network
State College, PA — October 2022
This in-person workshop version of our Employer Branding Bootcamp was customized for employers that specialize in serving senior citizens in Centre County.

Where Are The Employees?
Centre County Geriatric Interest Network
State College, PA — May 2022
An exploration of the current labor market and how solutions can be found by understanding the labor as an economic force.

Work In The Cloud
PA CareerLink Centre County
State College, PA — April 2017
A hands-on session exploring cloud-based productivity applications that can be used for employee collaboration and communication.

Every Brand Needs A HeRo
Capital Region Human Resources Association (Society for Human Resource Management)
Saratoga Springs, NY — March 2014
Employer branding is a way that HR professionals can become more strategically involved in their organizations and help to create an identity as a great employer.

Commencement Keynote Speaker
South Hills School of Business & Technology
State College, PA — September 2013
What happens when you work your way up, only to land up in an unexpected, dysfunctional work environment? I shared my story of how I used the “professional network” of people I had built up over the years to immediately help me land on my feet and turn a bad job into career success.

Creating a Brand for Your Non-Profit Organization
Lower Adirondack Regional Arts Council (LARAC)
Glens Falls, NY — May 2013
Just because you don’t have a giant budget doesn’t mean you can’t afford to develop a strong brand for your organization. Even in the world of non-profits, brand strategies are essential for establishing credibility, promoting causes, and attracting volunteers, partners, and donors.

The Blind Date: Selecting a Partner That Matches Your Strategy
National Council for Marketing and Public Relations (NCMPR)
San Francisco, CA — March 2012

Whether its graphic design, photography, web development, or something else, chances are you will have to outsources some of your marketing processes at some point. But how do you find a partner who works as a true extension of your team instead of a rogue freelancer or know-it-all agency? We discussed everything from budgeting to writing RFPs to the role internal politics can play in selecting external partners.

Branding for Small Businesses
SUNY Adirondack Continuing Education: Small Business Series
Capital Region, NY — April 2011
These days you can’t be competitive without a highly functional website. The web is likely your most valuable marketing investment, and your website is often the first impression you make on potential customers. But what if you’re still not happy with your web presence? The answer may involve taking a new look at how you approach the Internet and e-commerce. This isn’t a lesson in how to be a web designer. Instead, it’s a look at how to be a web strategist. And most importantly, how you can link your web strategy to your overall business goals.

Get Found on Google: Strategies for Search Engine Optimization
SUNY Adirondack Continuing Education: Small Business Series
Capital Region, NY — November 2010
Do you ever wonder why some websites show up at the top of Google’s search results while others don’t make the cut at all? The answer lies in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the art and science if designing, programming, and promoting websites in ways that make them more attractive to Google, Yahoo, and other search engines.

Where Are Your Customers?
SUNY Adirondack Continuing Education: Small Business Series
Capital Region, NY — October 2010

You know your business. You know your product or service. And you’re an expert in your industry. But how do you actually bring in customers? This conversation will provide an overview of how to attract and retain customers using various marketing, promotional, and personal selling techniques.

Gaining Applicants Through Career Site Redesign: Providing Insights into Optimizing Career Websites to Attract Top-Level Talent
Human Capital Institute
Online Webinar — July 2008
It’s easy to place too much emphasis on driving traffic to your career site while overlooking an important key to your career website ROI — completed applications. Today, website ROI is measured by conversions — how frequently visitors reach goals. By using a case study from Penn State University, we showed how organizational priorities and strategies can be used to develop engaging career sites that not only attract visitors but also result in submitted applications from individuals who match your desired qualifications.