Strategic Planning

  • Strategic Planning & Facilitation

    Looking to develop a strategic roadmap for your organization? We can walk you through the process -- from collecting stakeholder feedback to developing a long-range plan.

  • Employee

    Is there a gap between your organization's strategic mission/vision and what your employees actually do on a day-to-day basis? We'll identify solutions to align your talent with your strategy.

  • Organizational Efficiency & Effectiveness

    We look at both people and processes to develop goals and milestones that make your organization more efficient, effective, and productive.

Talent Acquisition

  • Employer Branding

    Employment Brands develop from the inside-out. That’s where we can start with yours. Using a combination of analytic and creative processes, we’ll work with you to create a long-term strategy that improves talent acquisition and retention.

  • Recruitment Marketing

    In order to be effective, Recruitment Marketing needs to reach just as many passive job seekers as active job seekers. Our integrated marketing approach does just that.

  • Career Websites

    Your website is often your first impression on a potential employee. Our web strategy goes beyond just building pages; we’ll work with you to develop an interactive platform that will help to increase visits from passive and active job seekers

  • College Recruitment

    With the current and growing talent shortage, College Recruitment remains one of the best talent pipelines. Our approach goes way beyond the career services office and gets your employment brand directly in front of faculty, advisers, and other influencers.

  • HR Social Media Strategy & Content Development

    An effective Social Media strategy is essential for attracting top talent. However, there is no single right way to do it. We explore your social media landscape and help to create a custom approach for your social media presence.

  • Recruitment Process Engineering

    Using proven process improvement strategies, we will work with your team to create a top-notch hiring process that makes sure the only the best individuals make it into and through the entire process.

  • Seasonal Recruitment

    Just because a job is seasonal doesn’t mean you need to settle for whatever talent happens to be available. With proper planning and effective execution, you can own a seasonal recruitment strategy that delivers you quality talent, no matter what the duration.

  • Career Fair Exhibits

    Career fairs are like a small city of recruiters — it’s you and a roomful of your competitors, all competing for the same top talent. We’ll work with you to identify which career fairs are appropriate for your hiring needs and how you can create an experience that makes your brand stand out.

  • Employee & Alumni Referrals

    Employee and Alumni referral programs have been proved to be effective talent pipelines in organizations of all industries and sizes. However, they have to be done right. We'll help you identify ways to leverage your employee and alumni referral networks.

  • Intern Strategy

    Internship programs can be very effective talent pipelines. However, many organizations lack the formal structure to support internships as a long-term investment in talent management. We'll help you create internship programs that attract top students.

Employee Success & Retention

  • Internal Communications

    Too often employees either don’t read or don’t understand communication from HR offices. It doesn’t have to be that way. We can work with you so your employees get the right information at the right time, without suffering from “information overload.”

  • Onboarding

    Effective Onboarding requires the right amount of communication at the right times throughout an employee’s first full year of employment. Our Onboarding programs can greatly reduce costs in terms of not only money, but also HR and management time.

  • Corporate Culture Assessment

    We don't use a canned approach to assessing Corporate Culture and Employee Engagement. Instead, we develop a custom platform that is designed to explore unique opportunities and challenges found in your workforce.

For the HR Office of One

You may operate a small HR office, but there’s no reason why you can’t have a big-picture recruitment strategy.
We offer a portfolio of services for smaller HR operations that constantly face the challenge of juggling many tasks.

  • Job Advertising

    Send us your job description and we’ll identify the best places to place recruitment advertising. Once you approve, we’ll present you with customized concepts and work with all the necessary media outlets to place the ads and help you gain exposure among qualified talent.

  • Talent Curation

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?